Contact Us

Looking for some more information about our record label or know someone who may be interested in joining? Contact us today and our team will be more than happy to help!
These are the people you will speak to when you contact Thirteen Productions.

Contact Thirteen Productions

Before we can talk about the good stuff, we need to grab a few details from you. Please fill in the contact form below.
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Contact us via email:

General – [email protected]
Admin – [email protected]
Demo – [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Thirteen Productions Located?


Thirteen Productions is based in the South West of England. Our team serves artists both within the UK and internationally. Find out more about Thirteen Productions.

Do you only sign artists in the UK?


No, we sign hard dance artists from all over the world, not just the UK.

How do I submit a demo to Thirteen Productions?


To submit a demo to Thirteen Productions, scroll up the page and select 'I'm looking to join Thirteen Productions' from the 'Which best describes your query?' dropdown menu. Then, fill in the required information.

I am interested in licensing music for a project. How do I go about doing this?


Our team is glad to hear that you like one of our tracks so much that you'd like to use it. We're all for it! Please email our team at [email protected].

I found your music being distributed or sold illegally on another web site or service. How do I report this?


We take copyright seriously and have a zero-tolerance approach. If you believe someone is using one of our artists' tracks without permission, please email [email protected].